Why is Jan Sahyog?


JS is a flat network/group/institution/platform. In this institution every idea and thought aims at positive work.

Negativity is not acceptable in any form because only positive thinking is harbinger of prosperity and progress and takes us to high point in life.

The fundamental principle of JS is that people of common nature (kommunity) should know each other and they should strive to help the kommunity selflessly with all the resources at their disposal.

The pursuit of this philosophy is manifested in solution of all kinds of problems of the kommunity members and as a result there of mutual goodwill and affection are increasing amongst members.

All members are feeling psychologically empowered due to social connect. This is giving a positive message to the kommunity. A long awaited platform has been found in the form of JS.

There is a felt need of social volunteers for social work. Kommunity requires hardworking, passionate and completely dedicated volunteers who can play the role of social leader for not only the Kommunity but for entire society. JS is a well organized effort. JS is a platform which is producing Kommunity social leaders who in turn will bring the Kommunity in the forefront of development through their proactive role for social progress. At present, there is scarcity of social workers in the Kommunity. Therefore, there is a need to develop social volunteers in a big way in the Kommunity.

Prior to the formation of JS, we did not have an all pervading and universally accepted platform which could enable Kommunity members to satisfy their urge for social service. But now, we have a platform i.e. JS which can be accessed by entire koummunity to work in a systematic manner, as a social Volunteer to enjoy and satisfy their social passion.

There is a need for multiple-types of contributions to develop and propel JS. The forward movement of the JS will automatically result in recognition of a devoted person as a social leader and his social capital will continue to get expanded. JS provides a golden opportunity to kommunity. JS is a very beautiful, easy and simple medium for producing social volunteers in the Kommunity. Kommunity needs today hard working, dedicated and brave heart workers which are conspicuous by their absence. This vacuum can be filled through JS. JS has produced thousands of such volunteers so far but it aims to increase this number in a large measure.

Now, Answer to What is Jan Sahyog:

"JS Is An Institution Which Develops Social Volunteers"

Networking among kommunity for providing
opportunity to individuals to grow.

To create a platform for kommunity interaction.

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